Tim Atkin MW 2011 Burgundy Special Report for a Tenner

With two clicks on the PayPal, I just downloaded Tim Atkins 2011 Burgundy Special report for a ‘Brown beer token’, that’s £10, a ‘Darwin’ and that’s probably less than a bottle of Bourgogne Rouge.

I reckon that’s more than fair value; a 76 page report with 250 recommendations and tasting notes. 1500 wines rated, Atkin having waded through 2000 samples in Burgundy and 18 London tastings – better him than me I say – I much prefer sitting down at the table and drinking it.

The timing of his report could not be better for me, as I am heading for the New Zealand Pinot Noir Celebration, flying this Saturday and will read it on the plane – so I can at least look a little bit like a pro and know what’s going on in Burgundy. Actually, I would buy the report just for the photography alone, Atkin’s second passion, or maybe it’s his first?

Here’s the link to his site, click, click, download and read… no brainer


“As many of you will know, the vintage was a tricky one all over France, not least in Burgundy, but it has still produced some very good wines, thanks to careful selection in the vineyard and good winemaking. This is a charming year that will appeal to Burgundy lovers. As ever, however, it is difficult to pick a path through the world’s most complex wine region”

Tim Atkin MW drinking pinot noir

Tim Atkin MW drinking cabernet sauvignon


By Curtis Marsh | Buying Wine | Related to: , , , |

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