Our Sommelier of the Year Asia visits Schubert winery in Martinborough and takes in some beach life at Tora, Palliser Bay

Our Sommelier of the Year Asia, Khun Cha, spends a few days with Kai Schubert in Martinborough and takes in a day at the beach. Just look at that pristine coastline, Palliser Bay, next stop is Antarctica! How good is the fresh paua and crayfish; Chef Diaz back on the Conrad Koh Samui will be drooling with envy. And obviously kiwi winemakers grasp there is more to learning about wine than just vineyards and wineries… “Life is filling in time between meals…”

Kai Schubert and Khun Cha at the Cellar Door

Khun Cha in Schubert barrel room tasting the 2011 Pinot Noir from barrel

Khun Cha with Schubert winery team, actually that is at a farm and James, the guy in front is a horse trainer… and took Christine (our domestic sales and marketing manager) and Khun Cha for a quad-bike ride…

Tora at East coast - Palliser Bay

Khun Cha & Christine Calmus (our domestic sales and marketing manager) at Tora

Tora, Palliser Bay

Khun Cha and Kai

Khun Cha and Kai

Bounty of the sea - pristine waters of Tora, Palliser Bay, nothing between here and Chile than Antarctica

Catching lunch

crayfish for lunch! Kai Moana

Khun Cha clearly happy with the menu and the venue

Does not get any fresher than straight from the sea

BBQ New Zealand seaside style

Crayfish on the Grill

Crayfish on the BBQ

More bounty - Fresh Paua - New Zealand Abalone

Fresh Paua stir fried with a little red Chili, red Onion, garlic and Coriander

Cooks at work

Dinning alfresco New Zealand style

Kai enjoying a glass of his rose

Khun Cha, kiwi style roughing it at the beach

I do like to be beside the seaside - Christine Calmus, Kai Schubert, Kun Cha, Stuart & Caroline Campbell (the master seafood hunters)

The Puruatanga farm overlooking the Martinborough terrace

Red sky at night, shepherds delight

Down on the farm - little Otto is only a week old

Making fresh pasta with NZ organic eggs and four

Making pasta

Beetroot-Pest-Pasta with Chili-garlic prawns

Gordon Ramsey recipe: Bœuf Bourguignon with NZ beef cheeks (and 2 bottles of our Pinot Noir in it)

Khun Cha and the Schubert crew

Dinner at Puruatanga Farm together with Khun Cha, Clive and Phyl from Ata Rangi and the Schubert crew

New Zealand classic lamb and peas

Clive Paton from Ata Rangi takes on the sommelier role for the evening

Ata Rangi - Schubert get together

Excellent form


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